Saturday, November 10, 2012



ON AMAZON.COM.  Soon I will list bookstores and other venues, where my book may be purchased.


Thursday, November 8, 2012


Post election thoughts are swirling, fermenting, similar to another joyous outcome when Clinton was elected.  I wrote a poem on that occasion that seems appropriate,  until I write a new one. 


After the bombs bursting over Bagdad,
fireworks exploded over the capitol.
Bells rang to signal humanity's hope, not a hate.
Voices sang and chanted, not in pain or fear,
but in harmonious choral rhythms.
Sputtering sounds sprayed colors in the air.
Loudspeakers shouted praises
in a communion of celebration, not a litany of war.
Pictorials on large tele-monitors
bringing together the assembly
for the inaugural liturgy.
The work of the people
to be witnessed in glory.

Sunday, October 28, 2012



Friday, October 26, 2012

The older you get, the louder you should sing!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

I am happy to announce the release of my very first book.  It will be available very soon. Due to some last minute corrections to the final proof, the book will  not be for sale on line, until the printing is completed in mid-November.

IF YOU LIVED IN SAM'S NECK describes in poetic style, a family's commitment to an adventure in living close to nature during the early seventies on a forty-acre homestead in northern California.  It is a read aloud, easy picture book with photographs to share the gifted rewards of a back to nature lifestyle.

IF YOU LIVED IN SAM'S NECK serves as a model beacon of light for families who might be following a similar dream.  It honors the memories of what was accomplished and experienced, the challenges that were overcome and how we grew to love our chosen way of life.  It still remains a
a timely guide for today's generation.


In the early 1970s, Ms. Tepedino left a teaching career in Miami, Florida with her two teenage sons, to homestead and go back to the land. 

After short experiments in Maine and Santa Cruz, they purchased forty acres north of Mt. Shasta.  Ms. Tepedino first wrote this reflection in 1974.  It has always been her dream to one day make it available for children, teachers and families.

Ms. Tepedino, now in her late seventies, continues to enjoy teaching, performing, photography, gardening and writing poetry.  She will always be nourished by what happened in Sam's Neck.  She currently lives in northern California.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Good Morning world!!
Yesterday I went to the Sonoma county museum to view the Mayan and Ofrenda  altars for Dias de los Muertos.  The artistry of marigolds,  harvest, and all the spirit icons, photos and messages were there before us.  It was only a journey of moments that transported me into the spirit world where families and famous people alike gather to communicate with us. 

I have an altar in my own home, where I place friends and family for their healing, their wants and needs to be manifested.  My latest manifestation, along with hard work and intense visioning, is my very first little book for children ages 3 to 10, to share with their families and teachers.  I plan to make a formal announcement of the book here on my blog. 

The title of this book is: IF  YOU  LIVED  IN  SAM'S  NECK

This coming week I travel to the setting for this book....where it all happened in the early seventies and involves the melting together of two families.  One family with a history of homesteading on their land since the mid 1800s  and this new family, who have purchased forty acres next door to them.  The lady in the local bank called us the creative hippies, but I am sure the family on the ranch next door had other concerns regarding our residency,until I substituted in the town school in their daughter's second grade for nine weeks.  This lovely indigo child embraced me with incredible elation and school bused home to her valley, shouting in the kitchen...." my new wonderful teacher lives next door!"  Well, that became a new chapte in our lives and it became a lttle book forty yeare later. 

Watch for the announcement coming soon. 

Thursday, October 18, 2012


One year ago I wrote a piece to celebrate Dias de los Muertos.  During the month of October our elder community said farewell to Connie Mahoney, a very moving and powerful force woman for the health of our planet, peace and justice issues.  She and I were creative collaborators for many special Earth Elders programs and seasonal rituals in Sonoma County, California. I believe she is still co-creating with me with energy and support for my very first children's book, to soon be released.  I wrote Souls and Saints to share my own experiences and reflections on death and remembrance.

To honor who has lived is a way to remember.  Death is a subject to be silent about.  The cultural ritual is not usually recreated in the spirit of anniversary.  To again and again bring back those who have left us, seems maudlin to most.

The saintliness to be discovered as a higher state for some and not for others.  No statues, no holy blessed medals or a place in the Ordo for your own Feast Day, for my grandmothers , for my sisters Anne and Julie, for my ex-husbands, for my mother and father.

In 1975, I learned of a medium, Trixie Oddingham,  from England, would be here in Palo Alto, sponsored by the Noetic Sciences Institute.  At the urging of an acquaintance we were encouraged to make an appointment with her.  Both my husband Richard, myself, my son Daniel, age 17 and Skye, only eight months old, made the trip to hopefully be in touch with family members from the other side.  It would be my first experience with the power of channeling and the medium as intermediary.  It was a daytime appointment.

We were invited, except young Skye, to enter a room where she was sitting.  She did not rise, we
We sit, she asks for our first names.  She closes her eyes.  We are in her presence and quickly she begins to tell us who has arrived to communicate with us.  First, my Grandma Tepedino, along with Aunt Anna, heer daughter to present me with roses.  My father then arrives speaking French, accompanied by a brown clad Franciscan monk.  He criticizes Trixie for her poor French pronounciation.  My father explains that he is helping and counseling young men who are arriving. Young male students were his specialty during his teaching career. 

An Native American guide also enters for me.  Richard's grandfather visits with words of praise for me and his approval for us being together despite my being eighteen years his senior, a May/December marriage.  He describes me as "an intrinsic piece of gold!"  My son's father, who took his own life in 1971, surprisingly arrives communicating that "he did not mean to do it" and that he has learned the whole Jesus thing truly exists, which was always a burning quest for him as a non-orthodox Jewish man.

In those days I was a total vegetarian/vegan living a very intense at home life with our new child Skye.  My sensibilities for communicating in psychic circles was at its height. I was already spacey, floating and very receptive both in awake and dream states.  I had been contacted before by people and loved ones on the other side.

It was an unusual outdoor setting in Maine, where for the first time I heard a voice in the woods call my name.  It was my son's deceased father, who had been gone for six months.  His ghost, ethereal body was very present on into the night inside our A-frame home under the loft where his sons slept.  He continued to be around the next day, making it neccessary for me to go out and stand on a rock in an open clearing to speak outloud to him  I reassured him that all was well, that Josh and Daniel would be fine and safe and were having an adventure experience with nature and a self-sufficient lifestyle.  I urged him to leave with my blessing.

As I am writing, I am reflecting that I am sure, knowing him, he must have been really concerned about our decision to leave Florida, buy land in Maine wilderness, build our own home in a setting and lifestyle he would never have been able to handle or choose.

This has been an intense period of time, with the passing of Connie and her memorial gathering to absorb and process, like a perpetual day with the dead had happened for me in a very personal way, accented by the impending passing of my sister Julie, which did occur on August 23rd, 2012.  I have been sufficiently immersed for this present season of remembrance.  I know what it is like to be watched, to be protected and prayed for.