Tuesday, November 24, 2015

The books are here!!

Here I am at a local Arts and Crafts Fair displaying and offering  my new poetry book  WOMAN WANDERING 1975-2015  The response was warm and complimentary.  Now I am holding the book in my hands.  I feel its personal power.  It wants to be shared and read.  What an appropriate time of the year to be thankful and grateful for the joy of writing about the memories of my life as a woman, mother, artist, educator and lover of Nature and new places. 

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

More wandering toward the Tree of Life

This is the photo used on the back cover of the poetry book.  All photos taken by Jessica Rose of Sebastopol, California. 

Nina and the Tree of Life

Woman Wandering.......is a book in print!!!

WOMAN  WANDERING   1975 -- 2015                          POEMS  BY  NINA TEPEDINO

Woman Wandering is a collection of fifty poems spanning forty years of poetic reflection.  It is a memoir in poetry, the new genre, to be considered and honored as my style to chronicle my life as a woman...my life as artist...my life as teacher...my life with Nature... my delights and displeasures and my elder wisdom to be absorbed and heard.  As I walk toward the Tree of Life, an elder Black Oak at the Gold Ridge Farm in Sebastopol, California, I embrace the living and growth in my life, as my creative force prospers and continues to wander. 

Sunday, June 28, 2015

I  Have  Returned...........it is 2015.....it is almost July!! 

May in Portland........Ah, yes......my new poetry book is going to be released soon  called:

WOMAN  WANDERING.....1975  to  2014

A  Morning Response...............June.....28, 2015

Mother Earth

Your skirts are the clouds you shake to make it rain
Your red lips are the blossoms from many cultured gardens
Your hair is braided with vines encircling the sphere
Your tears spill forth from the melting ice caps
Your heart is full like the ocean churning and bubbling in waves of
anxiety and worries  like Mothers do.
With your patience and prayers you give us more time to learn new ways,
like Mothers do. 

Nina Tepedino
copyright June, 2015